There is certainly still a widespread debate regarding the reality and intensity of climate change. However, those who still don’t believe that climate change is happening only need to look to Florida for confirmation.
The Sunshine State has experienced a plethora of negative side effects from excessive flooding and an increased number of hurricanes. But Governor DeSantis continues to deny the changing climate, and his constituents are stranded, submerged, and seriously suffering.
Extreme Weather Hits Florida Hard

Florida’s unique geography has always made it more susceptible to extreme weather, such as flooding and hurricanes, than most other US states.
But the weather has become even more unpredictable in recent years, and scientists agree that climate change is unquestionably to blame.
Severe Flooding in Southern Florida

Over the past few months, Southern Florida has been hit by several aggressive floods that have devastated homes, businesses, cars, and even the natural landscape.
The situation became so horrific that Governor Ron DeSantis declared a state of emergency for four counties in the area during the second week of June. Schools were closed, residents were stranded, and still, the rain continued to fall.
The 2024 Hurricane Season Was Especially Harsh for Floridians

Simultaneously, Floridians got hit with even more hurricanes than usual. In 2020, Florida saw 13 hurricanes, six of which were categorized as major storms.
However, the 2024 hurricane season was far worse, with 23 storms, five of which were major. Scientists argue that record-high sea temperatures played a big role in this substantial increase.
How Is Extreme Weather Affecting Floridians?

Of course, severe flooding and hurricanes have absolutely devastated hundreds of homes, cars, and businesses, but the destruction reaches farther than just those residents directly affected by the weather.
The increase in extreme weather in Florida has also led to an increased cost of living for all Florida residents across the state.
Homeowners Associations Are Charging More Than Ever

One consequence of the increase in flooding and storms throughout Florida is that homeowners associations are charging residents more than ever before.
New condo regulations implemented by Gov. DeSantis require homeowner associations to charge residents for house assessments to ensure they’re sturdy enough to withstand a hurricane. That means increased annual fees for millions of Floridians.
Housing Insurance in Florida Has Skyrocketed

Additionally, the cost of homeowners insurance has also increased this year. In fact, the average cost of homeowners insurance has increased by 40% in just one year.
This increase in cost is in part because of the added extreme weather, but it’s also skyrocketed because many insurers have actually left Florida in response to the increase in severe flooding and added storms.
Gov. DeSantis’ Response to the Situation Has Been Seriously Disappointing

In response to this frustrating reality, millions of Floridians are not only losing their homes and possessions to extreme weather but are also struggling to pay their bills.
And many Florida residents believe that their governor’s response, or lack thereof, to not only the changing weather patterns but also the growing cost of living is wildly disappointing.
DeSantis Recently Removed All Mentions of Climate Change From State Law

As well as passing the condo bill, which increased HOA prices across the state, Gov. DeSantis also recently signed a bill that removed any mention of climate change from state law.
Millions of Florida residents, and even environmentalists from around the country, believe the governor’s anti-climate change stance is exceptionally dangerous for the peninsula state and, really, the world as a whole.
DeSantis Has Also Denied Projects Aimed at Fighting Climate Change

It’s important to note that DeSantis isn’t just denying that climate change is happening and affecting Florida residents. He is also outright refusing projects that are aimed at fighting climate change.
By declining to participate in Biden’s Climate Pollution Reduction Grants program, DeSantis gave up $3 million in federal funding and up to $500 million more in the future. Most people agree that, with this decision, he did his constituents, the state, and the nation a wild disservice.
Federal Funding Could Have Improved the Lives of Millions

The funding from this project could have paid for improved drainage systems and flood defenses, which would certainly have benefited the vast majority of Floridians affected by severe floods every summer.
While federal officials continue to beg DeSantis to change his mind and focus at least some of his energy and funding on adopting stronger climate mitigation policies, the Republican leader seems determined to remain steadfast on the matter.
Floridians Are Begging Their Governor to Make a Change

Unsurprisingly, Floridians are frustrated by their leader’s lack of attention to climate change, their own safety, and the state’s growing cost of living.
According to one study, 90% of Florida residents believe climate change is happening, and having a governor who has vocally denied this reality is almost unbearable. Unfortunately, because they voted for him, residents of the Sunshine State have almost three more long years with DeSantis at the helm.