Doctors Warn This is The One Thing You Should Never Do When You Wake Up in the Night

By: Lauren Fokas | Published: Aug 10, 2024

Many of us struggle to sleep through the night. Doctors don’t necessarily have a way to solve this frustration, but they do know that certain habits will help you fall asleep again faster, while others will keep you up longer.

So, let’s find out the one thing you should never do when you wake up in the middle of the night if you want to quickly get back to sleep.

Nocturnal Awakenings Are Quite Common

You may be surprised to learn that around 35% of people experience nighttime wake-ups or nocturnal awakenings, at least three nights per week. Some people even wake up two or three times most nights.

A woman holds her head in her hands while struggling to fall asleep

Source: Freepik

And while sleep experts don’t have a concrete answer as to how to stop this from happening, they do know what habits help people fall asleep again faster. And what habit keeps those experiencing nocturnal awakenings up all night.

Do Not Open Your Phone in the Middle of the Night

According to sleep expert Dr. Jeff Rodgers, the absolute worst thing you can do for your sleep schedule is to open your phone when you wake up in the middle of the night.

A black and white photograph of a man staring at his phone in bed

Source: Freepik

Of course, many of us reach for our phones the second we walk up, whether it’s the middle of the night or first thing in the morning. But Dr. Rodgers says doing so in the night will prolong your ability to fall back asleep.

Blue Light Tells Your Brain to "Wake Up”

Dr. Rodgers explained, “The blue light from your phone mimics daylight and suppresses the production of melatonin, the hormone which regulates your sleep-wake cycle.”

A close-up photograph of a woman staring at her phone in bed

Source: Freepik

In other words, the blue light on your phone is “telling your brain to wake up.” It doesn’t matter if you’re just checking the time or opening your recent messages; even just several seconds of looking at the screen could keep you up much longer.

How to Fall Back Asleep Quickly During Nighttime Wakeups

Not opening your phone when you wake up may be challenging, but it really will make a big difference in how quickly you fall back asleep. But there are other tactics you can take as well that will help you get the sleep you so desperately need.

A man tries to fall asleep next to a clock

Source: Freepik

One trick is to buy yourself a clock. While you certainly shouldn’t stare at it as you try to fall back asleep, at least you can check what time it is without opening your phone.

Only Get Up if You Really Have To

The second thing you can do to fall back asleep as quickly as possible is to refrain from getting out of bed, unless it’s absolutely necessary.

A woman stands in her pajamas in front of the fridge to get a snack at night

Source: Freepik

Going to the bathroom, grabbing a glass of water, or moving the body for pain relief can help you get back to bed if you won’t be able to sleep until you do so.


Don’t Turn On the Light

However, when you get up, it’s important that you don’t turn on any bright lights. Like the blue light on the phone, an overhead light will also alert your brain that it’s time to wake up.

A woman turns off the lamp in her bedroom at night

Source: Freepik

If you must turn on a small light to get to the bathroom or kitchen, it’s important that you turn it back off the moment you get back into bed.


Creating a Quiet or Calm Bedroom

A dark room is crucial for quality sleep, but so is a quiet bedroom. In this case everyone is a little different: some people enjoy complete silence, while others prefer white noise or calming music.

A woman sleeps soundly with earplugs

Source: iStock

For those who are easily awoken, earplugs are a great option. But for people who need a little noise, investing in a sleep sound machine or speaker that softly plays music may be just the ticket.


Breathing Exercises or Meditative Counting Can Really Help

We have all heard that counting sheep can help people fall asleep. But while you may assume this is just a myth, some studies show it actually works.

An illustration of sheep jumping over a fence, signifying counting sheep

Source: iStock

Breathing slowly and intentionally while you count sheep jumping over an imagineering fence is a type of meditation, which can help the mind calm itself into sleep. However, it’s important to note that not everyone benefits from counting sheep as it can be distracting, for those people, focusing on clearing your mind may work better.


Get Your Furry Friend Their Own Bed

Although we all love our furry friends, studies have shown that letting your dog or cat sleep in your bed can disrupt your own sleep schedule.

A man is sleeping next to his dog in his bed

Source: Freepik

Some people say they feel calmer when sleeping with their pet. However, as they are not perfectly still, they may be waking you up without you even noticing it. To fall asleep and stay asleep, it’s best to get your pet its own bed.


76% of Americans Feel Tired at Work

The reason why falling asleep, staying asleep, and even sleep quality are so important is because the vast majority of people struggle with fatigue throughout the day.

A man sleeps at his desk at work

Source: Freepik

In fact, a whopping 76% of Americans say they feel tired at work. Additionally, 53% feel unproductive and 44% have trouble focusing, all of which would improve with better sleep.


Quality Sleep Will Literally Change Your Life

Medical professionals have known for some time that quality and consistent sleep can improve brain performance, mood, and overall physical health.

A woman smiles as she wakes up refreshed in the morning

Source: Freepik

Just remember: in order to sleep better and wake up refreshed, leave your phone face down, stay in bed, keep the lights off, create a calm and quiet bedroom, buy your pet their own bed, and focus on your breathing. These few tips may change your life!
