Electromagnetic Weapons Could Destroy the World- Expert Says ‘Even the Cockroaches Won’t Survive’

By: Lauren Fokas | Published: Aug 10, 2024

When the first nuclear bomb was developed in the 1940s, it was the most catastrophic weapon ever created. But now, there is a new ordnance that many say is even more destructive than any kind of nuclear weapon.

A new report says Iran has supplied Hezbollah, a Muslim militant group based in Lebanon, with an electromagnetic weapon that could cause destruction unlike the world has ever seen before.

Understanding Electromagnetic Weapons of Mass Destruction

When the US dropped the first nuclear bomb on Hiroshima in 1945, the world was absolutely shocked by the destruction it left in its wake. But while nuclear bombs are devastatingly powerful, they are nothing compared to the new E-bombs.

A digital illustration of an EMP attack

Source: @PBS Space Time/Youtube

E-bombs, or EMPs, are electromagnetic ordnance that can completely disable all communication systems, shut down radars, and essentially stop entire cities or even nations from functioning.

Killing Millions Through Disrupting Electricity

While it may sound strange to hear that an electrical disruption could cause more widespread damage than a nuclear bomb because modern society absolutely needs electricity to survive, many military experts believe this to be 100% true.

A doctor adjusts the settings on a machine in an operating room

Source: Freepik

Rotem Mey-Tal, CEO of military technology company Asgard Systems, explained, “All the electrical panels, water heaters, water and electrical systems, household appliances, computers, television systems, and even life-saving medical systems [would] stop working.”

The Almost Unbelievable Side Effects of an EMP Attack

It’s difficult to grasp, but if an EMP attack were to happen, hundreds of thousands of people would die immediately. Many would die in hospitals without the necessary machinery to perform surgeries or keep them alive.

A digital illustration of a horrible lightning storm on a city, signifying the end of the world

Source: Freepik

All cars, even those that aren’t fully electric, would shut down and crash as most run on computer systems, and EMPs destroy conductive chips, too. Trains would derail, and planes would crash. Not to mention, every single phone would be rendered useless, and water would stop running.

Absolute Chaos Would Ensue

Additionally, the city or nation affected by the attack would almost certainly be reduced to utter and complete chaos within hours.

Woman checking her fuse box during a power outage with a candle

Source: Freepik

Once people realized it was an EMP attack and the power wasn’t coming back, extreme fear would lead to looting, rioting, and violence in no time at all.

Hitting Specific Power Plants Could Shut Down a Nation’s Military

But it’s not just the general population who would be affected. A properly placed EMP attack could completely shut down a nation’s entire government and military.

A digital illustration of a power plant at night

Source: Freepik

Like most others around the world, the US government and military rely on a fully electronic infrastructure. From all forms of communication to computer-operated planes, missiles, and ground combat vehicles, as well as security and cybersecurity, and most high-tech weapons, the entire military would be all but useless without electricity.


How Do EMPs Work?

Understanding exactly what an EMP can do is slightly easier than trying to grasp how these “bombs” work. EMPs are silent and essentially unnoticeable until they fry the entire city or country’s electronic system.

A lightning storm with purple lightning streaking across the sky

Source: Freepik

As Mey-Tal explained, an EMP attack can and will “burn out from the inside like in an electrical short,” almost like the after-effects of a lightning strike. Except that, unlike a lightning strike, it is completely invisible.


How Are EMPs Deployed?

EMPs are not bombs in the typical sense of the world. For those who don’t work in electricity, it can be hard to understand, but in the simplest of terms, an EMP is actually a set of electrical wires that are specifically designed to create a magnetic field.

A close-up photograph of purple electric currents

Source: Freepik

The magnetic field can then be ignited, and the electric “explosion” allows gamma rays to collide with the molecules in the atmosphere, creating a much larger electromagnetic field that affects every wire and computer around it.


UAVs Can Release EMPs Up to 250 Feet Above a City

The other terrifying aspect of EMPs is that they can be released by an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), otherwise known as a drone, from up to 250 feet above the Earth’s surface.

A military UAV releasing a bomb from the sky

Source: @The Daily Aviation/YouTube

Therefore, not even an individual enemy soldier needs to be present for the attack. The range of an EMP bomb can vary, but some weapons that exist today can certainly affect hundreds of miles from the detonation site.


Several Counties Already Have EMPs in Their Arsenals

Although an aggressive EMP has yet to be used in warfare, many nations already have EMPs just ready and waiting in their arsenals.

The flag of Russia flies alongside the flag of China

Source: Wikimedia Commons

Both Russia and China have the technology to release a catastrophic EMP attack, as do the United States, North Korea, and Iran. In fact, Iran recently supplied Hezbollah with their very own EMP.


An EMP in the Wrong Hands Is Exceptionally Dangerous

It’s quite clear why an EMP would be exceptionally dangerous in the wrong hands, so many people are extremely concerned that the Muslim military group Hezbollah now has one in their hands.

Members of Hezbollah Next to missiles in Israel

Source: Wikipedia

With the ongoing war between Palestine and Israel, it’s highly likely that Hezbollah will use the EMP sooner than later on one of the many military bases or cities in Israel to destroy the small country’s entire power grid.


The “Cockroaches” Won’t Survive

The terrifying reality of EMPs cannot be underestimated. While, in theory, the technology is not brand new, the current bombs are wildly powerful and, if used, could change the world as we know it.

A photograph of planet Earth with the sun rising, showing electricity

Source: Freepik

Mey-Tal explained, “Think of the analogy from the 1960s, which describes that in a nuclear explosion, only the cockroaches would survive. In the same vein, in an electromagnetic attack, the ‘cockroaches’ (a nickname for electronic components in electrical circuits) will not survive this time.”
