Could air fryers be the new object of concern as we kick off the new year? Cost of living expert Martin Lewis seems to think so, according to Metro — and he has a few words of warning to anyone looking to pinch pennies using an air fryer this year. Here’s what you need to know.
Air fryers have taken kitchens around the world by storm, as evidenced by the thousands of air fryer recipes flying across social media platforms. Per Metro, people appreciate air fryers for their ability to cook food both quickly and cost-effectively, taking some of the strain out of the meal planning and cooking process.
Contrary to what many believe, air fryers generally take less energy than kitchen ovens, lowering electricity bills from what they would be if people cooked using traditional methods.
Despite this belief, Martin Lewis took aim at air fryers on his recent podcast episode, comparing them to microwaves when it comes to deceptive “savings.”
Per Metro, Martin went on to offer a series of comparisons:
“A microwave gives you consistent heat, whereas an oven has to warm up to full temperature, (requiring) topping up so it isn’t running at full power the entire time. But, if you’re doing a jacket potato for 10 minutes, it’s going to be far cheaper in the m microwave than a single jacket potato in an oven, and keeping it on for another hour and a half.”
The argument didn’t stop there. “However, if you’re doing a full roast dinner and you were cooking many of them, that is where it’s probably cheaper (to put them in the oven) than putting five or six jacket potatoes in a microwave.”
Per Metro, Which, a body of UK consumer researchers, evaluated the best and cheapest ways to cook some of the most popular regional cuisine. What they found flies in the face of Martin’s assertion, as findings revealed that air fryers were “generally the cheapest and quickest option.”
Emily Seymour went on record with Metro, noting that the research suggested that air fryers are the more cost-competitive option in many cases, especially to cook certain favorite foods.
She did continue to add context to her statement, saying that “the cost savings will (be lost) if you have to cook more than one batch (of food). So, it’s still better to use your oven if you’re cooking large quantities.”
What many glean from Metro’s article, Martin’s statement, and the data from Which is a sense of autonomy. You have freedom to experiment and determine what works best in your own kitchen, in alignment with your bills and your dietary preferences and needs.
Air fryers remain a convenient, cost-effective option for many, allowing people to create wholesome food in a more timely manner. Any pennies saved alongside the use of the air fryer can simply be a benefit, if and when it applies.