See If You Can Guess the Old-Timey Treatments for Common Ailments

By: Sam Watanuki | Published: Mar 28, 2024

Dive into the fascinating and sometimes startling world of historical medical remedies. From the curious to the bizarre, explore how our ancestors attempted to treat various ailments.

This quiz will take you on a journey through time, uncovering the unique and often perplexing methods used in the past. Test your knowledge and learn something new about the history of medicine!

What was believed to cure rabies, according to Pliny the Elder in Ancient Rome?

  • A) Drinking boiled grasshopper juice
  • B) Covering the wound with raw veal
  • C) Eating burned spider webs
  • D) Sleeping under the full moon
An artist's depiction of life in ancient Rome.

Birmingham Museums Trust/Unpslash


B) Covering the wound with raw veal

An aerial shot of a large Tyson Foods industrial facility with the company's logo displayed on the side of the building

Source: Tyson Foods/Facebook

How did John Wesley suggest treating asthma in his book Primitive Physick?

  • A) Breathing in the smoke from burning leaves
  • B) A fortnight on boiled carrots only
  • C) Consuming honey and cinnamon daily
  • D) Regular swims in cold water
A young man in a white t-shirt is depicted using a blue asthma inhaler, pressing it into his mouth while his left hand is placed on his chest



B) A fortnight on boiled carrots only

A bushel of carrots

Public Domain/ Pixabay

According to John Wesley, what could be done to alleviate heart palpitations?

  • A) Drinking 10 glasses of water a day
  • B) Running a marathon
  • C) Applying a vinegar-soaked rag externally
  • D) Eating raw ginger
A detailed anatomical model of a human heart with labeled parts is placed against a grey background

Source: Robina Weermeijer/Unsplash



C) Applying a vinegar-soaked rag externally

Cloth in a bowl full of vinegar

Source: Tips & Crafts


What unconventional method did John Wesley suggest for curing toothaches?

  • A) Placing a frog on the cheek
  • B) Being electrified
  • C) Chewing on willow bark
  • D) Listening to classical music
A pair of blue latex gloves checking the mouth of a child

Source: Pixabay/Pexels



B) Being electrified

Black wall plugs

Source: Castorly Stock/Pexels


How did John Wesley recommend preventing nosebleeds?

  • A) Sniffing rose petals
  • B) Holding a red-hot poker under the nose
  • C) Consuming large amounts of vitamin C
  • D) Jumping three times on one foot
Sick woman lying on bed blowing her nose

Source: Andrea Piacquadio/Pexels



B) Holding a red-hot poker under the nose

Woman with a nosebleed



How were Bible cysts traditionally treated, according to Lorenz Heister in 1743?

  • A) Rubbing the cyst with a gold coin
  • B) Strapping a bullet that had killed an animal to the cyst
  • C) Applying a plaster made from honey and ash
  • D) Singing soothing songs to the affected area
An example of an acanthamoeba cyst. It is round and contains multiple colors, including white, yellow, pink, and blue.

Source: Dr. George Healy/Wikimedia Commons



B) Strapping a bullet that had killed an animal to the cyst

A magazine filled with bullets.

Source: Will Porada/Unsplash


What was an old treatment for asthma involving cigarettes?

  • A) Smoking dandelion-infused cigarettes
  • B) Breathing in the scent of herbal cigarettes
  • C) Smoking asthma cigarettes made with stramonium, belladonna, and tobacco
  • D) Inhaling the smoke from burning cedar leaves
A cigarette that had been lit and placed in a clear ashtray.

Source: Tomasz Sienicki/Wikimedia Commons



C) Smoking asthma cigarettes made with stramonium, belladonna, and tobacco

Man holds a lit cigarette in his right hand on the side of a street

Source: Freepik


What was radium historically believed to cure?

  • A) Night blindness and deafness
  • B) Arthritis, impotence, and aging
  • C) Common cold and flu
  • D) Hair loss and skin diseases
A radiation warning sign in black and yellow staked in the ground in Chernobyl, Ukraine.

Source: Vladyslav Cherkasenko/Unsplash



B) Arthritis, impotence, and aging

Three older men sit around a chess board outside in the daytime by green grass and trees.

Source: Julia Vivcharyk/Unsplash


How was ringworm traditionally treated, according to Mother's Remedies?

  • A) By applying a paste made of gunpowder and vinegar
  • B) With a lotion made from crushed lavender and rose petals
  • C) Using a wrap of banana leaves and mud
  • D) Rubbing the infected area with a slice of raw potato
Hands holding various skin care bottles

Source: Canva



A) By applying a paste made of gunpowder and vinegar

A jar on a table filled with bullets.

Source: Jay Rembert/Unsplash


What was Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup advertised to treat?

  • A) Hair loss and dandruff
  • B) Colic, teething, diarrhea, and general pain
  • C) Muscle aches and arthritis
  • D) Insomnia and night terrors
A scientist holding a glass vial.

Source: Chokniti Khongchum/Pexels



B) Colic, teething, diarrhea, and general pain

Woman laying on the couch while she holds her stomach in pain

Source: Freepik


According to Bald’s Leechbook, what was a treatment for cataracts?

  • A) Applying a mixture of burned periwinkle flowers and honey in the eyes
  • B) Staring at the sun during dawn for three consecutive days
  • C) Wearing glasses made from transparent crystals
  • D) Bathing the eyes in a solution of gold dust and rose water
A close-up of a person’s face and eye.

Source: Amanda Dalbjörn/Unsplash



A) Applying a mixture of burned periwinkle flowers and honey in the eyes

A close-up image of a honeycomb. Some hexagonal cells are filled with glistening, golden honey

Source: Wikimedia Commons


What bizarre remedy was suggested for treating swollen eyes in Bald's Leechbook?

  • A) Placing live worms on the eyelids at night
  • B) Applying the eyes of a live crab
  • C) Rubbing the eyes with a gold ring
  • D) Drinking a potion made from bluebell flowers
A close-up image of a person applying eye drops. A drop is suspended from the blue tip of the dropper, ready to fall into the open eye

Source: Freepik



B) Applying the eyes of a live crab

Two striped shore crabs eating on a rock at Redondo Beach.

Source: Nandaro/Wikimedia Commons


For treating swollen body parts, what does Bald’s Leechbook recommend?

  • A) Wrapping the area with warm, salted cabbage leaves
  • B) Placing a live snail on the swelling
  • C) Securing a fox tooth in a fawn’s skin and placing it on the swollen area
  • D) Applying a poultice made from crushed ants and mud
A black and white image of a shirtless man from behind, with his left hand reaching towards his neck and his right hand on his lower back. Highlighted areas in red indicate pain points along the neck and lower back

Source: jcomp/Freepik



C) Securing a fox tooth in a fawn’s skin and placing it on the swollen area

Fox laying in hollow log

Source: Arterra/Universal Images Group via Getty Images


What was a 10th-century treatment for typhus?

  • A) Drinking a broth made from boiled oak bark
  • B) Going outside, writing a prayer on a piece of paper, and holding it to the left breast
  • C) Bathing in a mixture of vinegar and seawater
  • D) Eating a diet consisting solely of turnips and barley
Grass, weeds, bushes, and pollen in the sunlight outside.

Source: freestocks/Unsplash



B) Going outside, writing a prayer on a piece of paper, and holding it to the left breast

A man writes notes on a sheet of paper.

Source: Scott Graham/Unsplash


In ancient Assyria, what was used to avoid tipsiness?

  • A) Drinking a potion made from crushed pearls and white wine
  • B) Eating ground-up bird beaks mixed with myrrh
  • C) Chewing on licorice root
  • D) Wearing a bracelet made from the wood of a cedar tree

Young teens drinking alcohol out of plastic cups at a party

Source: iStock



B) Eating ground-up bird beaks mixed with myrrh

A person is pictured feeding a yellow and white bird from their hand

Source: Freepik
