How Well Do You Know Basic First Aid?

By: Ben Campbell | Published: Apr 04, 2024

Everyone hopes that they will never find themselves in an emergency; however, if an accident does occur, it’s crucial to know the basic first aid responses. 

This quiz will tell you how well you know basic first aid and certainly teach you something you may need in the future. 

1. What are the four links in the Chain of Survival?

  • A) Effective attention, early advanced care, efficient rescue breaths, and early transport to hospital 
  • B) Effective CPR, early advanced care, effective attention, and early transport
  • C) Early defibrillation, early transport to hospital, effective CPR, and effective rescue breaths
  • D) Early access, early CPR, early defibrillation, and early advanced care
Four silver chains are connected by one gold link

Source: Freepik


Early access, early CPR, early defibrillation, and early advanced care

The four links in the first aid Chain of Survival

Source: Wikidoc

2. Which of the following drugs can reverse the effects of anaphylaxis?

  • A) Adrenaline
  • B) Salbutamol
  • C) Paracetamol
  • D) Ibuprofen
A man holds his neck signifying that he is having trouble breathing

Source: Shutterstock



A woman using an EpiPen on her thigh through her jeans


3. What should you do if you feel a rib break when performing chest compressions?

  • A) Stop CPR immediately
  • B) Slow down chest compressions 
  • C) Check hand position, reposition, and continue chest compressions
  • D) Perform only rescue breaths
First aid responder teaching a class how to give chest compressions on a mannequin

Source: iStock



Check hand position, reposition, and continue chest compressions

Person giving chest compressions to an unconscious victim

Source: @PaulKelly/Linkedin


4. Which drug should be offered to a victim having a heart attack?

  • A) Ibuprofen
  • B) Aspirin
  • C) Adrenaline
  • D) None of the above
An older man holding his chest on the couch, signifying heart pain

Source: Freepik




Close-up photograph of white pills with the word “aspirin” written on them

Source: Shutterstock


5. You should NOT use an automated external defibrillator if one of the following situations is occurring.

  • A) The victim is experiencing a heart attack
  • B) The victim is on a metal surface
  • C) The victim is not breathing 
  • D) A victim who is unconscious
An AED in a pink box in a high school gymnasium

Source: Shutterstock



The victim is on a metal surface

A man is laying down on metal bleachers

Source: Freepik


6. What does CPR stand for?

  • A) Cardiac Pediatric Resuscitation 
  • B) Cardio Recovery
  • C) Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
  • D) Cardiopulmonary Recovery
First aid responder teaching a class how to listen for breathing sounds on a mannequin

Source: Freepik



Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

Graphic that says “what does CPR stand for?” and explains the anagram

Source: @GoldCross/Facebook


7. What causes shock in a victim?

  • A) Sudden low blood flow resulting in a lack of oxygen
  • B) The body temperature drops too low
  • C) Low blood sugar
  • D) None of the above
A man wearing several jackets is lying unconscious on the pavement

Source: Freepik



Sudden low blood flow resulting in a lack of oxygen

Digital illustration of oxygen and blood cells

Source: Freepik


8. If a victim has a broken bone, what should be done first?

  • A) Keep the injury still and supported 
  • B) Create a splint for the broken bone
  • C) Attempt to reconnect the bone
  • D) Tape around the break
A man is lying on the ground holding his calf after getting hurt

Source: iStock



Keep the injury still and supported 

Several passersby stop to help a woman who crashed her bike

Source: Depositphotos


9. If a victim is choking but is still conscious and coughing forcefully, what should you do?

  • A) Slap her on the back until they cough up the object
  • B) Perform abdominal thrusts
  • C) Encourage them to continue coughing
  • D) Attempt to remove the stuck item from their throat with your fingers
A woman appears to be choking as she eats a donut

Source: iStock



Encourage them to continue coughing

A woman coughs while sitting on the couch and holding her chest

Source: Freepik


10. When a victim is having a stroke, you can tell by conducting the FAST test. What does FAST stand for?

  • A) Face, Arms, Speech, Time
  • B) Face, Attention, Speech, Technique
  • C) Feet, Arms, Space, Technique
  • D) Face, Arms, Speech, Tongue
A man holds himself up on a fence while holding his chest

Source: Depositphotos



Face, Arms, Speech, Time

Poster describing the anagram FAST for those who are having a stroke



11. What should you do if a victim is having a seizure?

  • A) Place something in their mouth to prevent them from swallowing their tongue
  • B) Start rescue breathing
  • C) Perform CPR immediately
  • D) Loosen any tight clothing and put something soft under their head
A young girl is being held by her mother while having a seizure

Source: Shutterstock



Loosen any tight clothing and put something soft under their head

Illustration of a man placing a pillow under a victim’s head

Source: Wikihow


12. The recommended speed for chest compressions is…

  • A) 90-100 per minute
  • B) 100 per minute
  • C) 100-120 per minute
  • D) 120-140 per minute
A man giving chest compressions to an unconscious woman in a park

Source: iStock



100-120 per minute

Poster that explained the idea chest compressions when delivering CPR

Source: @SJA_Canada/X


13. If an adult victim is unconscious, how should you safely open their airway?

  • A) Move the tongue down with your fingers
  • B) Tilt the victim’s head forward
  • C) Tilt the head back and lift the victim’s chin
  • D) None of the above
The first responders assess a young girl after an accident

Source: Freepik



Tilt the head back and lift the victim’s chin

Illustration of lifting a head and opening the chin of a victim

Source: @HeartbeatSaversofNC/Facebook


14. If you need to call 911 in an emergency, what should you tell the dispatcher?

  • A) Describe the emergency
  • B) Give the exact address where the emergency is taking place
  • C) Give your name and the telephone number of the phone you’re using to make the call
  • D) All of the above
Woman calls 911 while kneeling next to a young boy who fell off his scooter

Source: Alamy



All of the above

A man clearly calling 911 while a woman next to him holds her abdomen

Source: Depositphotos


15. If a victim isn't breathing normally, what is the first thing you should do?

  • A) Administer two rescue breaths 
  • B) Check the victim’s pulse
  • C) Start chest compressions 
  • D) Call 911
A woman is clearly having trouble breathing in a field

Source: iStock



Call 911

A phone with a red screen that says “911 Emergency”

Source: Freepik
