Missing Australian Surfers Bodies Found in Mexico

By: Beth Moreton | Published: May 12, 2024

The bodies of three surfers, two Australians and an American, have been found with gunshot wounds in Mexico.

The trio had gone missing in April 2024, and three people have been arrested who are believed to be linked to their disappearance and murder. 

The Surfers Didn’t Check into Their Airbnb

The alarm for the three surfers missing was first raised when their families hadn’t heard from them for a couple of days. 

Jack and Callum Robinson posing for a photo in front of some water with their parents. The brothers have their tops off, and their parents are wearing black t-shirts.

Source: @7NewsMelbourne/X

Further alarms were raised when the trio failed to check into their Airbnb, which had previously been booked. 

The Surfers Bodies Were Found in Santa Tomas

After they had been missing for over a week, police searched for the three surfers for several days.

A street in Santa Tomas. There are green bushes and trees on either side of the street.

Source: Judgefloro/Wikimedia Commons

After a week of searching, the FBI found all three bodies in Santa Tomas, which is in the Mexican state of Baja California. 

The Bodies Were Found at the Bottom of a Well

When the FBI found the bodies, they were discovered at the bottom of a well that was over 50 feet deep.

An aerial shot of forensics searching for the bodies of the Australian surfers in a well. Two trucks are next to the site.

Source: @cliQIndiaMedia/X

By the time the bodies were discovered, they were already in an advanced state of decomposition. 

The Three Surfers' Bodies Have Been Identified

The police were initially waiting for DNA testing. However, the families of the three surfers were able to identify them. 

The three surfers who were murdered. From left to right: Callum Robison, Jake Robinson and Jack Carter Rhoad.

Source: @insiderscorner/X

The Australian surfers were identified as Jake and Callum Robinson, with the American surfer being identified as Jack Carter Rhoad. 

Three People Have Been Arrested

Three suspects who are believed to be involved in the deaths of the surfers, two men and a woman, have been arrested.

A person with their hands behind their back in handcuffs.

Source: Kindle Media/Pexels

One of the people who was arrested has a history of violence, drug dealing and robbery.


The Suspects Were in Possession of Drugs

All three of the suspects were in possession of drugs at the time of their arrest.

White powder on a black surface next to money and a credit card.

Source: Colin Davis/Unsplash

The suspects are Jesús Gerardo Garica Cota, El Kekas and Ari Gisel García Cota, who was in possession of one of the surfers’ phones. Kekas’ brother, Cristian Alejandro García, has also been arrested. 


Criminals Shot the Surfers When Trying to Steal Their Vehicle

The police believe that the surfers were shot when trying to prevent their vehicle from being stolen. 

A white truck that has been set on fire. There are no tires on the wheels, and the windows have been broken.

Source: ABC News/YouTube

The surfers were shot in the head, and those responsible then went on to dump their bodies in a well. 


A Fourth Body Has Been Found

A fourth body was also found in the same well as the three surfers.

The site where the surfers' bodies were found. There is an orange tunnel going into the well, and rescuers in hard hats are standing around it.

Source: @Ins1der_News/X

However, officials believe this body is not connected to this case. 


A Tent Belonging to the Surfers Had Blood Inside

During their search for the bodies, police found a tent that had belonged to the surfers.

A grey and orange tend in the middle of the woods.

Source: Cristofer Maximilian/Unsplash

The police found there was evidence of a struggle and some blood stains inside the tent.


The Surfers’ Truck Was Also Found

The truck that the suspects had attempted to steal was also found, which is why police believe the surfers were shot in the head when the suspects tried to steal it.

The white, burned-out truck the surfers were using. Some people are standing next to the truck and looking inside out.

Source: @trtworld/X

The truck had been burned out, and dental fragments, potentially from the surfers, were also found. 


Baja California Is One of Mexico’s Most Violent Areas

Baja California is one of Mexico’s most violent areas and is where a lot of organized crime occurs.

A street in Baja California. There is a yellow warning sign next to the road about speedbumps. A yellow car is parked beside the street next to a white house.

Source: Erica Fischer/Wikimedia Commons

While the police don’t believe that this was an organized crime, they are refusing to rule anything out.
