Mother/Daughter Pair Arrested for Performing Illegal Injections

By: Stephanie Bontorin | Published: Apr 21, 2024

Two women are being accused of practicing illegal medicinal practice on unknowing clients.

A mother and daughter from Texas have been arrested during an undercover sting operation.

Illegal Butt Injections

The women allegedly opened an unlicensed medical practice and lured clients into their care.

A woman received a small injection on her forehead while wearing a sterile cap

Source: studioroman/Canva

Officials say that Consuelo Dal Bo and Isabella Dal Bo gave butt injections to paying clients.

The Undercover Operation

The operation was organized by the Houston Police Department, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and Homeland Security.

Four police cars in a row with their lights on

Source: Photospirit/Canva

KPRC reports that the government agencies worked together to take down a number of unlicensed beauty practitioners in Texas.

Serious Charges Have Been Laid

Consuelo, 56, and Isabella, 18, have both been charged with serious crimes relating to their unlicensed practice.

A person wearing a pair of blue gloves prepares a syringe for injection

Source: golibtolibov/Getty Images

Misdemeanor charges have been handed out to both women for practicing medicine without the proper training or certification.

The Undercover Mission Gets Worse for the Women

Further to the serious problems that the women already face for practicing illegal medicine, Consuelo faced additional issues.

A woman wears a pair of handcuffs held in front of her body

Source: rosta/Getty Images

The mother of the duo allegedly tried to sell Xanax to an officer who was undercover during the sting.

An Officer Went All Out on the Ruse

To get the inside scoop on the women’s operation, a female officer went to the clinic in an attempt to see the realities of the illegal actions.

The inside of an empty hospital room. A bed with a green blanket, a chair, and some miscellaneous medical equipment is seen

Source: Martha Dominguez/Unsplash

The officer was moments away from having a “strange brown liquid” injected into her body. She was expected to pay $6,000 for the procedure.


Injections Were Both Illegal and Not Real

In the report, government officials state that no type of gel, liquid, or substance used had been approved by the FDA for the treatment.

A liquid IV hangs off of a metal hook

Source: Marcelo Leal/Unsplash

The service the women were offering allegedly does not currently exist on the market.


The Service Was too Good to Be True

The women claimed that the injections would improve the shape and size of the buttocks.

A woman has a needle injected into the skin on her abdomen while wearing a white top and white pants

Source: dashapetrenkophotos/Canva

Unfortunately, the expensive injections don’t seem to truly exist on the market. So, the women were deceiving their clients, as well as putting their health at risk.


Unconfirmed Medical Training

When speaking to news organizations, Consuelo stated she went to medical school in Mexico for three years.

A man has his hand bandaged by a person wearing blue medical gloves

Source: Science Photo Library/Canva

However, this information has yet to be confirmed and verified.


A Real Doctor Weighs In

When speaking to Fox 26, Dr. Sara Adrabi, an Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine at the Baylor College of Medicine, gave her impression of the mother daughter duo.

A woman doctor speaks to her client in a white room with plants behind her

Source: nortonrsx/Getty Images

She notes that the substances are most likely unregulated since an unlicensed person cannot get their hands on the real stuff.


Concerns Over Injectors Using Cement

In the past, illegal injectors have used everything from mineral oil to industrial grade silicone or awful ingredients like cement.

A needle with yellow liquid and a needle with blue liquid sit next to each other

Source: tadamachi/Gettu Images

When a practitioner is unlicensed, this means they are unlikely to know or care about the repercussions.


Mother and Daughter Are Currently Out on Bond

Consuelo and Isabella are currently released from prison on bond and their next court date is set for April 10th.

A judges gavel sits on a table

Source: DAPA Images/Canva

Since people have died in the past at the hands of illegal beauty injections, it’s assumed that the women will be sentenced harshly for their illegal practice.
