Emergency room doctors in states with strict abortion laws have caused distress and loss of life for women seeking critical care in the face of deadly pregnancy complications.
Stories out of Texas show just how harmful these strict laws have been for women. From doctors quitting to women being forced to suffer alone and bleeding at home, state laws complicate women’s lives and cause harm to those hoping to have healthy pregnancies.
Some Abortions Are Medically Necessary

There are several instances when an abortion is medically necessary to save the life of the mother. For instance, when a fertilized egg becomes attached to the fallopian tube instead of to the uterus (an ectopic pregnancy), the pregnancy must be terminated. Otherwise, the pregnancy will grow, rupture the tube, and potentially kill the mother.
In many states with heart-beat laws, the pregnancy is too far gone to allow an abortion legally. However, there have been many cases since Roe V Wade was dismantled that women have died as a result of not being able to secure much-needed care.
Kyleigh Thurman Was a Victim of These Laws

Kyleigh Thurman, 25, went to an emergency room at Ascension Seton Williamson in Texas for intense abdominal pain. She soon discovered that she was experiencing an ectopic pregnancy. She was given a pamphlet and told that a miscarriage would need to “take its course” at home.
However, still bleeding three days later, she went back to the emergency in distress. She was finally given the life-saving injection needed to end the pregnancy. After the medication is given, the egg stops growing and becomes flushed from the system. In many cases, surgery is needed.
Thurman Was Left With Irreparable Damage

Due to the ectopic pregnancy not being treated quickly, the young woman sadly lost her left fallopian tube, and as a result, her ability to reproduce in the future is now cut in half.
The complaint sent to the Center for Reproductive Rights filed last week asked the government to investigate whether the hospital violated federal law when the staff failed to treat her in February 2023. She says that she feels manipulated and misled and that she is a victim of politics.
More Women Suffer from Strict Laws

The Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe V Wade has had deadly consequences for real women seeking reproductive help in emergency situations.
In 2022 alone, more than 100 pregnant women were turned away from medical treatments with many cases of otherwise healthy women losing their lives, their unborn children, and pieces of their reproductive systems.
Abortion Bans Complicate Pregnancy Care

There are several reasons why abortions are medically necessary and, sometimes, just wanted by the pregnant woman.
Many doctors can’t treat their patients in a necessary way; they can’t stomach the reality of leaving their patients to bleed out in waiting rooms, hallways, bathrooms, or their own homes. Medical and legal experts are all vehemently against abortion bans.
Several Maternity Wards Have Closed Since 2022

In Idaho, several maternity clinics have closed due to the fact that doctors cannot perform their duties and save patients’ lives who are experiencing negative pregnancy complications. These doctors feel that their duty to their patients cannot be upheld when strict abortion bans cause them to leave women without medically necessary care.
As a result, many women must now drive hours to the closest obstriction to receive standard care during their pregnancy. The abortion bans have pulled resources from women who need them in several areas across the country.
Women Are Fighting Back

Several women are not part of a federal lawsuit against the 6-week heart week abortion rule in several states. These women have been directly harmed as a result of not receiving medical care. Kelsie Norris-De La Cruz, 25, also lost a fallopian tube after being failed at an Arlington, Texas, hospital. She was discharged, and her doctors told her that an abortion was “not in her best interest” when it very much could have saved her reproductive health.
“The doctors knew I needed an abortion, but these bans are making it nearly impossible to get basic emergency healthcare,” she said in a statement. “I’m filing this complaint because women like me deserve justice and accountability from those that hurt us.”
Women Need To Be Dying To Receive Care

In many states, women need to be showing signs of immediate death for doctors to intervene. Otherwise, they could lose their license for performing an abortion.
The abortion bans do not allow for leeway in cases of medical distress. The hardline taken by lawmakers does not account for the messy reality of pregnancy.
Pregnancies Are Not Always Healthy

Disregarding women who want abortions for personal reasons, almost 20% of pregnancies will result in miscarriage, and another small percentage will result in late-term loss through no fault of the mother.
In many cases, the medical terminology holds that an abortion is appropriate to save the mother. The legal language needs to be immediately changed in order to save women dying and losing body parts because of legislation.
The US Has Poor Maternal Care

Despite being one of the best medically advanced countries, the United States has extremely poor maternal death rates.
In 2022, 817 women died of maternal causes in the US. The maternal mortality rate stands at one of the highest in western countries for maternal mortality rate, despite having a low birth rate and having incredibly advanced medical options.
Other Issues Plague Pregnant Women

Aside from restrictions with abortion care, pregnant women around the country face hardships at every turn.
There is substantially less research and funding put into pregnancy than other concerns. In many cases, women face deadly complications and head to hospitals that have no hope of helping them.