‘Slow-Motion Pandemic’ With 50 Percent Mortality Rate Makes Jump to Humans

By: Lauren Fokas | Published: Jul 10, 2024

It’s hard to imagine that the world could experience not one but two global pandemics within just one decade. However, some scientists are worried that is exactly what’s about to happen.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently announced an outbreak of avian influenza A (HSN1) in the United States, and experts are calling it “a pandemic unfolding in slow motion.”

American Cows Have Become Infected With Avian Flu

Over the past few months, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has been closely tracking the appearance of the H5N1 virus in dairy cows across the country.

A close-up photograph of a dairy cow’s nose with several more cows behind it

Source: Freepik

The CDC explained that by working with the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), they have found that 139 herds across 12 states have been infected with the virus, and that number is slowly but surely increasing.

How Are Cows Infected With the Avian Flu?

Mammals, like dairy cows, can become infected with avian flu when they eat excrement from sick birds, specifically poultry, or even when they are exposed to poultry living with the virus.

A photograph of several chickens in cages at a poultry farm

Source: Freepik

Because many dairy farms also house chickens, it is quite easy for cows to contract avian flu. While sick cows are a concern, the danger is, of course, the possibility of the virus spreading to humans.

Making the Jump From Cows to Humans

Until very recently, the virus was contained to the cows themselves, but the CDC has since reported that several people have tested positive for the avian flu after coming in contact with infected dairy cows.

Source: Freepik

Testing Dairy Cows

There has been one case in Texas, two cases in Michigan, and on July 3, 2024, they found an infected person in Colorado. According to the CDC, this number of infected people means that “H5N1 bird flu [is a] human health risk.”

How Do Humans Contract the Avian Flu From Animals?

Just as cows can contract the avian flu from chickens by sharing the air with infected poultry or eating their excrement, humans can catch the virus from cows by being too close to them, inhaling the contaminated air around their excrement, or drinking unpasteurized milk.

A mother offering her toddler a glass of milk in their kitchen

Source: Freepik

Of course, farmers and those who work directly with dairy cows are the most likely to contract the virus, but anyone who visits a dairy farm or drinks raw milk is susceptible.

What Are the Symptoms of the Avian Flu?

For those who have spent time near dairy farms or have drunk raw milk over the past few months, it’s extremely important to be on the lookout for symptoms of the avian flu.

A woman sits on her couch wrapped in a blue blanket while sick

Source: Freepik

These symptoms include red sore eyes, conjunctivitis, fever, cough, fatigue, muscle aches, a runny nose, and shortness of breath or other respiratory issues.


How Contagious Is the Avian Flu?

At this point in time, the chance of a person contracting the avian flu from another infected person is extremely slim. In fact, according to medical professionals at UC Davis Heath, “There is no evidence bird flu is currently easily spread human-to-human.”

Several people are talking as two men shake hands

Source: Freepik

The experts continued, “Most human infections with bird flu can be traced to unprotected close contact with ill or dead animals. Although there is always a chance the virus may evolve to more easily transmit among humans.”


Those Working on Farms With Confirmed Cases Should Be Extremely Careful

The CDC has been closely monitoring the four people infected with the avian flu on dairy farms in the US to ensure that they don’t pass the virus on to anyone else. However, they cannot monitor all Americans who work with cows or poultry.

A hospital patient in a quarantined area with two protected medical professionals

Source: iStock

Therefore, the organization is imploring all farm workers to be extremely cautious. First and foremost, they should watch their own bodies for flu symptoms, and if they note any, immediately quarantine them and call the CDC to be tested.


We Could Be Facing Another Global Pandemic “In a Heartbeat”

Health officials within the CDC, as well as medical professionals who understand the nuances of the avian flu and just how quickly it could spread, are certainly concerned.

A digital illustration of planet earth with germs flying all around it

Source: iStock

Scott Hensley, a professor of microbiology at the University of Pennsylvania, explained, “It almost seems like a pandemic unfolding in slow motion. Right now, the threat is pretty low … but that could change in a heartbeat.”


Should People Still Be Wearing Masks?

At this time, the CDC has not announced any mask-wearing regulations for the general population. However, they may soon be announced.

A large crowd of people walking towards the camera all wearing masks

Source: Freepik

If any more people are infected with the avian flu or if they find that the virus is spreading from person to person, it could mean another mask mandate for the United States.


Will We See Another Lockdown in the Next Few Years?

It’s important to understand that, at this point in time, the CDC is also not implementing any kind of lockdown like we experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic.

An elderly woman wearing a mask waves hello to her relative outside the the glass window, also wearing a mask

Source: iStock

However, they are encouraging everyone to avoid dairy cows and chickens if possible. Those who cannot because they work on a farm are hyper-careful and call the CDC as soon as they notice any possible symptoms.


It’s Crucial to Pay Attention to CDC Announcements

As Professor Hendely noted, this situation could turn into a full-blown pandemic in a “heartbeat,” so it’s crucial that absolutely all Americans keep an eye on CDC announcements regarding the avian flu over the next few months.

The entrance sign for the CDC headquarters

Source: iStock

As we already learned the hard way, a pandemic that gets completely out of control is detrimental to our world in every possible way.
