Social Media Misinformation Urges Women to Stop Contraception

By: Beth Moreton | Published: Apr 04, 2024

For decades, women have been turning to various forms of contraception, such as birth control, as a way of preventing pregnancy.

But recently, many women have chosen to ditch the pill due to being worried about possible side effects, something that has been exacerbated by social media.

Birth Control Is 99% Effective

Planned Parenthood has stated that the birth control pill is 99% effective. 

A green packet of birth control pills. Most of the packet has been opened apart from the bottom row and there is one blue pill on the table next to it.

Source: Thought Catalog/Unsplash

As long as those on the pill take it at the same time every day, the pill retains this effectiveness, with roughly 7 in 100 pill users falling pregnant each year. 

Social Media Users Say Birth Control Isn’t Natural

Despite the studies showing its effectiveness, some people have taken to social media to share that they don’t use it because they see it as unnatural.

A woman on TikTok with some text above her head. The text says “Birth control is unnatural and I don’t believe in using it.”

Source: @sophialourette/TikTok

One user took to TikTok to say that as she sees birth control as being unnatural, she doesn’t believe in using it.

Some People Say Not Being on Birth Control Improves Mental Health

Birth control carries many side effects, with some people reporting having poor mental health as a result of using it.

A woman in a video on TikTok. There is some text on the screen in front of her that says “When you get off the BC pill after being on it for 5 years and you feel 10x happier, not crying anymore, mental health has improved, lost weight, and overall feel like a completely new person.”

Source: @glowingwithgracee/TikTok

One TikTok user said after coming off the pill, she had seen an improvement in her mental health, feels happier, is no longer crying, has lost weight, and now feels like a completely new person. 

There Are Various Birth Control Pills to Choose From

Different people have their preferred ways of what they would like their birth control pill to give them, such as stopping periods, and generally what might be best for them, especially if they are taking other kinds of medication.

Four different packets of birth control pills next to a red rose.

Source: Marta Branco/Pexels

Mayo Clinic has said the two main types of pills are the combination and the minipill. There are plenty of variations for people to choose from, and what might work for one person might not work for another.

Birth Control Pills Called 'Poison'

As many people are taking to social media to find information about birth control pills, this can lead to a variety of misinformation from people who aren’t necessarily qualified to give out this information.

The sign for poison. There is a black outline of a skull and crossbones inside a red diamond shape.

Source: Unknown Author/Wikimedia Commons

The Daily Mail has reported that one social media user had referred to the pill as being poison, which has subsequently worried many users and caused them to no longer use it. 


Doctors Receiving Many Patients Who Believe Social Media

The Washington Post has reported that doctors are seeing an influx of patients coming to their offices regarding what they have seen on social media about birth control. 

A female doctor with a female patient. The doctor is holding a tablet in her hands. The patient has a worried look on her face.

Source: Mart Production/Pexels

This has caused concern among doctors. They have to reassure their patients that what they are being told on social media isn’t true and that the pill is perfectly safe for them to use. 


The Lack of Information from Doctors Led People to Social Media

Many people have said that the reason why they turned to social media for information regarding birth control has been due to the lack of information from their doctor.

Dr. Danielle Jones on YouTube. She is wearing blue scrubs and has a coat rack with a side unit including a gold YouTube play button plaque and plant on top behind her.

Source: Mama Doctor Jones/YouTube

Dr. Danielle Jones said in a YouTube video that even if your doctor isn’t giving you enough information regarding birth control, this doesn’t excuse the sharing of false information. 


Birthrates Have Gone Up

The increase in women ditching birth control has caused birthrates to go up.

A newborn baby being put on a weighing scale by a nurse.

Source: Christian Bowen/Unsplash

The Canadian Medical Association Journal has warned that women shouldn’t be ditching birth control, as this is going to increase the number of unwanted pregnancies. 


Abortion Rates Have Risen

As the use of birth control has gone down and unwanted pregnancies have gone up, this has led to the number of women wanting an abortion also going up.

A poster that says “My mind my body my freedom” at a pro-choice march.

Source: Karolina Grabowska/Pexels

The Daily Mail reported that after Roe v. Wade was overturned in the U.S. in 2022, it has become harder for women in many states, including Texas, Georgia, and Idaho, to access the care they need, which has meant they have had to carry unwanted pregnancies to full term.


Birth Control Helps with Other Conditions

Despite being primarily used for preventing pregnancy, birth control can be used to help control other conditions.

A woman in bed holding her stomach and looking like she is in pain.

Source: Andrea Piacquadio/Pexels

Cleveland Clinic has said the pill can help make periods lighter, prevent anemia, reduce menstrual cramps, help with PMS and PMDD, help PCOS and endometriosis, prevent excessive hair growth, and lower the risk of ovarian, uterine, and colon cancers.


Birth Control Pills Are Perfectly Safe to Use

Despite the recent worry of birth control pills not being safe, Planned Parenthood assures people that the pill is perfectly safe.

A packet of birth control pills on a wooden surface. The pills inside the packet are yellow, white, and pink.

Source: GabiSanda/Pixabay

The pill has been in use for over 50 years. and while users have every right to be aware of the risks that many medications are subject to, most people have nothing to worry about and should consult a doctor about any worries they might have.
