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Some People Can “See” Months of the Year

A person holds their hand to the camera as the see visual synesthesia waves, and is overlaid by rainbow colors.
Source: Canva

When you think of the months of the year, what do you see in your mind’s eye? Scientists believe that the answer might be different on an individual basis — and conflicting reports from individuals on Reddit and other popular platform sites seem to align with this theory. Per a recent baffling post from The Mirror, some people can allegedly “see” the months of the year; while others can’t “see” anything. 

Here’s what we know.

The question first went viral when a content creator and influencer stated that she could “see” the months of the year in a straight, descending line — starting with January at the top and ending with December at the bottom. Commentators immediately joined in, offering their interpretation and “view” of the annual calendar. Common reports were that they saw the calendar in a circle, a spiral, a line, or a square — with the last months of the year often showing at the most acute point. 

According to The Mirror, there have been a number of scientific bodies undergoing research about this calendar phenomenon and about similar conditions; which are collectively known as synesthesia. 

Investigative reporters and analysts with The Mirror found that extensive research had been done on the concept — and published in Behavior, Cognition, and Neuroscience. 

Participants in the study reported a range of experiences, including some who had a “body-centered” way of seeing the calendar. In this example, participants visualized a “hula-hoop” format with the months of the year, with months passing through the participant’s body as they passed. 

Could this difference in perception have any other effects? The science suggests that it could. Further on in the study, findings revealed that those who did experience synesthesia were able to answer questions about the calendar more quickly than those who did not. Experts believe that this could be due to participants “seeing” the calendar and consulting it as a real object, per The Mirror. 

Are There Other Types of Synesthesia? 

Yes, there are many different types of synesthesia. The condition is formally defined as a condition that causes involuntary links between a stimulus and sensory perception. As a result, people can often see imperceptible things (like the months of the year) in a visual sense. 

Current research suggests that 2-4% of the population experiences synesthesia, and report seemingly harmless effects. Per BetterHelp, those who have synesthesia are known as synthetes.

Other common types of synesthesia include: 

  • Number-form 
  • Lexical-gustatory (taste) synesthesia) 
  • Grapheme-color 
  • Chromesthesia 
  • Tickertape 
  • Auditory-tactile 

Does Synesthesia Hurt? 

People who live with the condition don’t report any sort of pain associated with synesthesia. Instead, they might just feel like they perceive things differently; which can lead to disorientation in severe cases. 

What Should People With Synesthesia Do? 

Those living with calendar synesthesia or any other type of synesthesia don’t necessarily have to do anything to address their condition. They can choose to seek therapy if they wish to discuss the condition.


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