Teenager Saves Baby’s Life After Seeing the Parents Get Electrocuted in Oregon

By: Alec Donaldson | Published: Jan 27, 2024

A teenager from the state of Oregon has been hailed as a hero after saving a young baby’s life during a violent storm. 

Majiah Washington jumped into action after witnessing a devastating event that saw the infant’s family killed by electrocution. Washington managed to retrieve the baby and get it to safety. 

Dangerous Storm Rips Through Portland

Washington had been sheltering in her home in Portland last week during a heavy storm sweeping through it when she observed a flash through the window, according to MSN

A grey truck is pictured driving slowly through heavy storms

Source: Apu Gomes/Getty Images

She immediately peeked out the window and saw a couple scrambled from a red SUV that had been hit with a downed power line before catching on fire. 

Family Tried to Escape

18-year-old Washington said she saw a pregnant woman instruct her partner to get their young baby to safety. 

A man dressed in all black tries to walk through the snow-covered path

Source: Freepik

As he tried to run up the concrete driveway with a child in his arms, he slid back down due to icy conditions. Unfortunately, his foot connected with a live wire which was on the ground.

Frantic Mother Tries to Rescue Baby

The mother, frantic with worry, ran toward her downed partner in an attempt to rescue the baby, yet she slipped on the ice and was also electrocuted. 

Woman who fallen in icy conditions stares up at her partner

Source: Freepik

The woman’s 15-year-old brother came out from his home to try and help, but he succumbed to the same fate as his sister and her boyfriend.

Washington Calls 911

Washington had already called emergency services after the father went down. Yet there was nothing more she could do as she watched the mother and the son get electrocuted. 

Worried woman calls 9-11 from her smartphone inside her home

Source: Freepik

However, in a miraculous turn of events, she saw the 9-month-old baby move its head, meaning it was still alive. This is when she decided to try and save its life. 

How the Teenager Saved the Child

The teenager left her home and tried to crouch as low as possible to ensure she didn’t slip and fall into the live wire.

A large tree pictured beside various downed power lines in a small neighborhood

Source: James Leynse/Corbis/Getty Images

Washington inched her way toward the baby until she could grab it. When she picked up the infant, Washington claims to have brushed the deceased father’s body, yet somehow she wasn’t electrocuted. 


Worried for the Neighbor, Baby

Speaking about the incident with news reporters, Washington says she knew the woman was the daughter of her next-door neighbor.

A young child walks on the pavement next to his home alone

Source: Freepik

“I was concerned about the baby,” said Washington, who recognized the woman as her neighbor’s daughter (via U.S. News). “Nobody was with the baby.”


Fire Department Gives Well-Deserved Praise

In the wake of the horrible event, Washington has been praised as a hero by Portland Fire and Rescue spokesperson Rick Graves.

Two firefighters pictured wearing full gear at their local station

Source: Freepik

He said the department is dumbfounded as to how the teenager wasn’t electrocuted when she saved the child. Authorities later announced the infant went to the hospital and received the all-clear. 


Heroic Acts in a Small Community

During the statement, Graves said, “We do have, fortunately, with us, a toddler that is going to be able to thrive and do what they possibly can as they move forward” (via U.S. News).

A man dressed in a navy jacket issues a statement in front of a building

Source: Freepik

He continued, “And they are here, in part, because of the heroic acts of a member of our community.”


Terrifying Weather Conditions Lead to Numerous Deaths

In the past week, the harsh weather conditions battering the Pacific Northwest have led to the deaths of at least 10 people living in the Oregon areas. 

An unusual spring blizzard envelopes Mt. Hood's Timberline Lodge and Ski Bowl in Oregon

Source: George Rose/Getty Images

Five people in Seattle alone died from hypothermia due to freezing rain and ice. Others died from falling trees and utility poles.


Father Speaks with News Station

Ronald Briggs, the father of the deceased woman, spoke with KGW about the devastating chain of events that led to his daughter’s death.

An older man with grey hair speaks with a new reporter close to his home

Source: Freepik

According to the father, his daughter had come over to use the internet. As she left to run errands in their car, it caught on fire, which forced the family to exit the vehicle and run toward safety. 


Father Loses Two Kids in One Day

Briggs said he watched his daughter slide to her death. He warned his son, Ta’Ron, to keep his distance, yet the 15-year-old disobeyed his father in an attempt to help his sister. 

Red roses are placed on top of a gravestone in the heart of a cemetery

Source: Freepik

“I told him, ‘Don’t go down there — try to get away from them.’ And he slid, and he touched the water, and he and he died too,” Briggs told U.S. News. “I have six kids. I lost two of them in one day.”
